
Elite athletes need to play against the best to become the best. NSHA offers top competition to its athletes. All NSHA teams are Tier 1 National bound (if MA residence majority applies) with a goal of winning a national title. New England has some of the best youth and midget hockey in the country. The strength of competition in the area allows players to focus on training, education and recovery instead of travel. All teams will compete in the Beast League Full season and play an independent schedule against top teams in the area.  

Beast Tournament Series

Located in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States, the BEAST Tournament Series celebrates its 6th season in the fall 2022 having established itself as the top showcase league for U18, U16, U15, U14, & U13. Simply put, in just five seasons, the BEAST league has set a new standard, and this is proven through both NCAA Commitments and National Championships.

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The BEAST Tournament Series has seen over 500 players make their NCAA Commitments, with over 95% of these players advancing to Division I colleges and universities.

The BEAST Tournament Series has also seen many players advance to play at the highest levels of junior hockey in both the United States and Canada.